News overview


Castle in the sun Easing of COVID-19 measures

Easing of COVID-19 measures

Education |  June 30 2021
Read which measures are currently in force at Nyenrode.
In-class education and self-testing

In-class education and self-testing

About Nyenrode |  April 21 2021
From April 26, it will be possible for students and participants of Nyenrode to attend in-class lectures about once a week.
Great majority of office workers want to continue working from home post pandemic

Great majority of office workers want to continue working from home post pandemic

Research |  April 13 2021
Nearly all employees who are working from home (97%) prefer to keep working from home, even when offices are open. According to respondents in the third round of a joint research conducted by Nyenrode Business University, Open University and Moneypenny.
Castle perspective Nyenrode Business University and the lockdown

Nyenrode Business University and the lockdown

About Nyenrode |  December 15 2020
All educational activities at the locations in Amsterdam and Breukelen will take place online from Wednesday, December 16th through Sunday, January 17th, 2021.
Anke van Hal Coronacrisis puts energy transition in vulnerable neighborhoods higher on the list of priorities

Coronacrisis puts energy transition in vulnerable neighborhoods higher on the list of priorities

Research |  December 1 2020
Disasters often herald the beginning of a transition. This is because the impact of such a disaster now becomes visible and there is a huge desire to not go through such a terrible experience again. Consequently, structural changes can be implemented faster. The essay ‘Omdat belangen samenvallen’, written by Anke van Hal in collaboration with Matthijs Uyterlinde and various other parties involved, discusses the potential impact of the Coronacrisis on the experimental program ‘Verduurzaming van Kwetsbare Wijken’ (Making Vulnerable Neighborhoods Sustainable).
“It is all about adapting. Be flexible and always stay hopeful”.

“It is all about adapting. Be flexible and always stay hopeful”.

Community |  September 7 2020
MBA student Niloofar Peyravi tells about the financial support she received from the Nyenrode Corona Emergency Fund.
Rose garden Nyenrode restarts educational activities

Nyenrode restarts educational activities

About Nyenrode |  July 1 2020
In recent weeks, various groups of participants have attended a physical lecture at Nyenrode for the first time.
image klein Changes government measures for corona have no consequences for Nyenrode situation

Changes government measures for corona have no consequences for Nyenrode situation

About Nyenrode |  April 22 2020
On April 21, the Prime Minister of the Netherlands informed the nation about the ongoing measures taken to tackle the corona crisis. The situation remains unchanged at Nyenrode. This means working or studying at home and attending online meetings or lectures. On May 20, a new perspective will be communicated from the government about the measures.


Lidy Nebbeling

Communications Advisor

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