465 news articles

  • Machine learning for all: the new mindset in businesses

    Type: Education
    Publication date: 6/14/2019

    People in business management have to understand what machine learning is and how it differs from what they have been doing thus far in the realm of traditional software development.

    Jan Veldsink
  • “For a Nyenrodean you go the extra mile”

    Type: Community
    Publication date: 6/4/2019

    What are the foundations of a successful career? Nyenrodian Han Knooren has invested a lot in young leaders at his company. “I cannot help but share practical life lessons.”

  • Financial Times publishes 2019 Executive Education ranking

    Type: Education
    Publication date: 6/3/2019

    For the seventh time in a row, the Executive Education programs at Nyenrode Business University have been declared the best in the Netherlands.

    Nyenrode kasteel spiegelbeeld water
  • Sharing Insights for the Sharing Economy

    Type: Community
    Publication date: 5/22/2019

    On May 14 2019, Nyenrode Amsterdam welcomed Harmen van Sprang, co-founder of shareNL and independent expert in platform economy to inspire students, alumni and the business community as part of the Nyenrode Amsterdam Breakfast Sessions.

  • Cooperative compliance programmes increases tax certainty of large businesses

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 5/21/2019

    Breukelen, May 21, 2019 – “A modern tax administration must include a trust-based regulatory approach in its compliance risk management strategy for large businesses. A so-called cooperative compliance program (CCP) – such as horizontal monitoring in the Netherlands – increases tax certainty and reduces aggressive tax practices.” This is one of the conclusions reached by Maarten Siglé RA in his dissertation titled “The effects of cooperative compliance programmes”, for which he will receive his doctorate from Nyenrode Business University on May 21, 2019.

    Maarten Sigle
  • ‘Nyenrode feels as if it is an additional family.’

    Type: Community
    Publication date: 5/7/2019

    Nyenrode Alumna Gayle included the Nyenrode Fund in her will. ‘When you have died, you cannot spend your money anymore anyway and this way, I can still make an impact.’

  • Disruptive innovations in a sustainable world

    Type: Community
    Publication date: 5/2/2019

    Marjolein Bakker, an alumna of the Full-time MSc in International Management, has recently embarked on a collaboration to publish her thesis as an article. Joining her in this effort are Prof André Nijhof and Dr Henk Kievit, both professors at Nyenrode Business University. Her Master’s thesis, “Exploring Encroachment: value propositions and the role of disruptive innovation in attracting new customers”, examines the type of innovation that drives new customers to buy a particular value proposition. The provocative title of Bakker’s forthcoming article reads: “Can the customer still be king in the era of sustainability?”

  • Responsible leadership comes from the heart

    Type: Community
    Publication date: 4/26/2019

    On April 9 2019, Nyenrode Amsterdam welcomed change manager Sherida Tdlohreg, Founder of TransActory and Nyenrode MSc & MBA Alumna to inspire students, alumni and the business community as part of the Nyenrode Amsterdam Breakfast Sessions.

  • Serious games and entrepreneurship with social impact

    Type: Community
    Publication date: 4/17/2019

    Executive MBA alumnus Sjoerd Wennekes (36) talks about his unique mix of educational qualifications. Wennekes began his student days at HKU University of the Arts in Utrecht and started his MBA at Nyenrode Business University a few years later. This combination has paid off. It has resulted in the success of his company Active Cues, which is responsible for the Tovertafel. The company now operates in 10 countries and has 45 employees (70 including all international partners). As far as Wennekes is concerned, there is no doubt they will keep expanding all over the world.

  • ‘I think it is important that education is accessible to everyone’

    Type: Community
    Publication date: 4/17/2019

    ‘Nyenrode has been formative for the rest of my life. That is why I think it is important to give something back.’ Alumna Marguerite Soeteman-Reijnen claimed a chair on Nyenrode.

  • Competing in the John Molson Case Competition #lifeasanyenrodian

    Type: Community
    Publication date: 4/3/2019

    At the beginning of this year, four of our Full-time Master in Management students traveled to Montreal to compete in the John Molson Case Competition, a prestigious case competition for MBA and Master students. One of the participants, Asiya Suleimanova, shares her experiences with us.

  • Let umbrella organizations appoint and pay auditors

    Type: About Nyenrode
    Publication date: 3/29/2019

    On March 29, 2019, Prof Dr Henk Langendijk said goodbye as a professor at Nyenrode Business University. In Nyenrode’s Pfizer room, he delivered his farewell speech titled: ‘The (un)true and fair view of the annual financial statements and the position of the auditor.’ His most important advice is to have auditors appointed and paid by umbrella organizations in order to create more impartiality.

  • ‘My mother’s biggest dream was for me to go to university’

    Type: Community
    Publication date: 3/18/2019

    Scholarship student Elyas Razawi on the journey that led him to Nyenrode: ‘When I was little, I was determined to be the smartest one in the class.’

  • Doing business without losing ethics

    Type: Community
    Publication date: 3/11/2019

    How can a brand create awareness, set an example and inspire others at the same time? Students and staff at Nyenrode Business University learned the answer to this question and many more during an after-work session on March 7, 2019. Ynzo van Zanten, Choco Evangelist at Tony’s Chocolonely, was the keynote speaker.

  • Virtual reality for business

    Type: Community
    Publication date: 3/11/2019

    On January 22, Nyenrode Amsterdam welcomed tech entrepreneur Adriaan Rijkens, Co-Founder & CTO of Warp and Nyenrode MSc Alumnus to inspire students, alumni and the business community as part of the Nyenrode Amsterdam Breakfast Sessions.

  • Staying in control in a digital and agile world

    Type: Education
    Publication date: 3/6/2019

    Data-driven auditing is giving rise to new dynamics and working methods within audit and risk departments. However, the large auditing firms in the Netherlands will feel the effects of these changes as well. This is what led PA and Nyenrode Business University to enter into a partnership.

    Nyenrode AH
  • Keuzegids once again grants 'top program' designation to Nyenrode programs

    Type: Education
    Publication date: 3/5/2019

    In a repeat to last year’s achievement, the Masters in Business Administration and Controlling have been declared the “Best Masters” of their kind.

  • We are all stewards

    Type: Community
    Publication date: 3/4/2019

    On November 13, Nyenrode Amsterdam welcomed Camille van Gestel, Co-Founder of WakaWaka and Nyenrode BBA Alumnus to inspire students, alumni and the business community as part of the Nyenrode Amsterdam Breakfast Sessions.

    Nyenrode Breakfast Session WakaWaka

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