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3 news articles

  • The importance of empowered leadership in remote work policies

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 9/25/2024

    Remote work has become commonplace. However, this shift can have negative effects, such as a loss of social cohesion and learning on the job. In response, many organizations have implemented remote work policies. Yet, these policies, which often focus solely on setting a fixed number of in-office workdays per week, are not enough to boost employee engagement and job satisfaction. Research shows that empowered leadership is far more important in achieving these goals.

    Pascale Peters nieuwsbericht_LOWRES
  • 4 Steps HR needs to take to create an engaging company culture

    Type: Education
    Publication date: 6/25/2024

    To be able to attract and retain people in the current tight labor market, it is necessary to improve the employee experience. But how exactly do you do that? What are your first concrete steps?

  • Great majority of office workers want to continue working from home post pandemic

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 4/13/2021

    Nearly all employees who are working from home (97%) prefer to keep working from home, even when offices are open. According to respondents in the third round of a joint research conducted by Nyenrode Business University, Open University and Moneypenny.

    landgoed Nyenrode

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